Tuesday 19 February 2013

Bye Bye B@#$*h

Still suffering the after effects of a fantastic Conference last week, though it was inspirational and a whole lot of fun, I have some how ended up with the flu, in the middle of our Summer. All this lying around, has given me a chance to do a little reflecting.

Another OOTD from Conference Last week. This has to be my favourite dress, I especially love all the colours. 

Yes I am a size 24-26 and I love every bit of me and I think it shows. Last weeks Conference was the first I have intended since I since I decided that enough was enough and that it was about time for me to accept me and all my glorious flab as it is.

Ever since then it has been the best thing I could ever do for me, it is like an invisible veil has been lifted. I say this because the response I was getting from both women and men was different to what it has been like for me at past Conference's I have attended, this time it all seemed so much easier,which was a huge surprise because I always thought that my confidence level was pretty high, but this time around that barrier has been busted down. It's a little hard to explain, but this is how I explained it to my workmate, "I must have had 'BITCH' written across my forehead all these years and since I have turned a page in my new book, I am now approachable".

It's crazy to think it must have been me, for years I have always thought it was everyone else that had the problem. Don't get me wrong there are a few still out there, but I know for sure it won't be me any more. Because I am still loving every bit of me, flab and all.

Has this happened to you?

Love and Light xox

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